PNY GTX 560 Ti XLR8 OC2 - Metro 2033

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Metro 2033

Metro 2033 is a video action game that combines elements of survival horror and first person shooters. game is based on the novel of Russian writer Dmitry Metro 2033 Glukhovsky. It was developed from 4A Games and published in Ukraine in March 2010 for the Xbox 360 and Microsoft Windows. It is in the city of Moscow in the year 2033. Following a nuclear disaster, the survivors are forced to live underground in the Russian capital, organized in stations similar to city-states. In the latter an atmosphere oppressive and distressing. The darkness hides many pitfalls, including the frequent opportunities to run into monstrous creatures that populate the station. The main threat is represented by Tetri, defined as new homines, "won the battle for survival", and destined to inherit the Earth.


The performances are very similar to those found for the reference GeForce GTX 570.